Insurance Industry Copywriter | Financial & Investment Services Copywriter | Insurance & Financial Technology Copywriter

3-Reasons Why Spreadsheets in the Insurance Industry Are a Liability

I have to say that it still shocks me to discover insurance companies that continue to use manual processes to manage their data – particularly the spreadsheet. Whether it’s processing claims or marketing insurance products and services, this hazardous practice continues to permeate the insurance industry. So with the ease of development and deployment [...]

3-Reasons Why Spreadsheets in the Insurance Industry Are a Liability

Insurance Industry Trends: Three Core Areas of Growth

With the competitive nature of the insurance industry, it’s no secret that insurers are keenly focused on growth. From customer acquisition to new products, and improved online services, there are three measures that should be zeroed in on in to facilitate the process. And while these three areas may appear very basic, I’ve come to [...]

Insurance Industry Trends: Three Core Areas of Growth

3 Ways To Make Your Insurance Website Less Mind Numbingly Boring

Professionals in the insurance industry are keenly aware that the topic of insurance doesn't exactly get people excited. No one has a good party anecdote about buying insurance. However, that’s no excuse to provide your client base with a dull, uninspiring business website. Here are a few ideas for sprucing up your online presence: Flaunt [...]

3 Ways To Make Your Insurance Website Less Mind Numbingly Boring

3 Ways the Financial Services Industry Can Successfully Engage Customers Online

The most successful businesses within the financial services industry are already relying on a solid content marketing strategy to engage with current and potential clients online, and keep them engaged throughout the duration of their professional relationship. Whether your content creation is handled in-house or outsourced, it’s important to keep these 3 goals in mind [...]

3 Ways the Financial Services Industry Can Successfully Engage Customers Online

Focus on Defining Financial Services Innovation

A recent Celent study revealed an industry-wide effort to improve focus on innovation in financial service innovation.  Participants consisted of executives, senior management and mid-level employees from insurers , banks , credit unions , and other financial services companies. Here is a link to the full article:    

Focus on Defining Financial Services Innovation
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